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Now PAY Green Tax Through Fastag, New Rule for Tax


Now you can pay your green tax with your fastag wallet, Himachal state and IDFC bank have allowed to pay green tax that is applicable in Himachal for entry of the vehicle coming from other states. This is the first time ever fastag is allowed to pay green tax.

This decision is going to make the smooth tool experience for tourist coming to Himachal with vehicle from other states RTO registration. Before this tourist have to pay green tax in cash and this was a bigger slow process and some time at peak season there is long wait for it as this process was time consuming. Now user will have a smooth cashless experience and will enjoy this and it will save time also .

Green tax is applied for vehicle not registered with Himachal state. Green tax is used to keep Himachal Pradesh clean from the vehicle creating pollution from petrol and diesel.

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